Soft Skills
A Guide to Designer Developer Collaboration
As many of us already know, designer developer collaboration can be particularly tricky. Were you ever in a situation where you asked yourself if it is possible to work efficiently and collaboratively with a developer as a designer or vice versa?
Don’t worry! We’re here to help you out. If you are searching for tips on achieving high-quality collaboration between these two critical roles for creating a good product or an app, keep reading!
Role Descriptions
The designer’s responsibilities are researching, designing, and testing the user experience of a digital product or a website, while the developer’s responsibilities are coding, debugging, and deploying the product or an app.
Designer developer collaboration should be approached with a good mindset
Collaborative Pain Points
For effective designer developer collaboration, you will need different skills, tools, and processes and often know how to work with various levels of similar and different priorities and constraints.
1. No Common Language
Understanding their roles and responsibilities allows you to respect their expertise, communicate your expectations, and align your goals.
As you probably already heard, there’s plenty of debate going around whether designers should learn how to code. We’ll answer this question with more context in the next section, but the short answer is – no.
2. Tight Resources
Designer developer collaboration can become significantly more difficult when the project or the company have budgeting or resource allocation issues, as it puts more pressure on quick instead of detailed, which may introduce gaps in communication or documentation.
3. Scope Creep
Scope creep is the gradual expansion of a project’s objectives and requirements beyond its initially defined boundaries. Avoiding it is crucial as it introduces unnecessary back-and-forth processes, unplanned work or rework, and overall team stress.
4. Bad Feedback
Ignoring constructive feedback can negatively impact how designers and developers feel about their work. It’s important to be prepared to have disagreements, but also to approach them with a good mindset.
After all, design and product decisions can and probably will be complicated – there are always pros and cons to consider. Sometimes, a minor design update helps relieve a lot of developer stress. In other cases, a small update might make developer lives easier, but it can also impact the user’s experience negatively – and it’s worth fighting for implementing the more user-friendly design!
5. Handoff Issues
Unorganized files, without notes, without prototypes, and with no design handoff meeting? Avoiding all of these is crucial for a quality designer developer collaboration.
Designer and a developer collaborating
Tips For an Effective Collaboration
1. Communication
Communication is the key when it comes to a good designer developer collaboration.
Designers and developers should communicate from the very start of the project. One of the worst things to do is treat the design and development as two totally separate teams and introduce communication only during design handoff.
When it comes to communication itself, it should be spoken in a friendly tone, and one should remember how important it is to stay calm and non-defensive. Both designers and developers should look at communication as an opportunity to educate each other about their work and context.
2. Speak the Same Language
Should designers learn how to code? A question we hear on a daily basis. We briefly mentioned this as a collaborative pain point, so let’s answer this one.
The answer is no, you do not need to learn how to code, but… And there’s always a but! It can be beneficial to at least understand the basics of coding.
Learning basic coding is useful for a designer because you begin to understand how the products are built. For example, how systems work, and how front-end designers talk to back-end developers, and you learn a lot about what tools developers use.
Having said that, it would be mutually beneficial if developers would learn the basics of design, such as accessibility, colors, hierarchy, and importance of user research and feedback. You can always teach them bits of design language as you communicate and ask them to do the same for you.
By aligning their vocabularies and understanding each other’s roles, designers and developers can work more seamlessly together, resulting in a smoother workflow, faster problem-solving, and a final product that aligns with user needs and technical feasibility.
Mutual understanding is crucial. To achieve effective designer developer collaboration, it’s essential to understand how things work, such as the tools, platforms, and resources each party uses.
Using the same, clear, consistent terms and definitions is a great way to speak the same language. It’s something both designers and developers should agree on from the start!
3. Tight Resources
The easiest and best way to solve this problem is by spending time on good planning and prioritization.
A good way to do that is by categorizing tasks based on their significance and urgency. It’s also great to ensure that everyone is aware of project priorities and resource constraints. This can be done with open communication between both designers, developers, project or product managers, and all other stakeholders.
4. Scope Creep
When both designers and developers are familiar with what’s on the line when they’re trying to introduce the change, it will lead to awareness.
Before starting any design work, it’s important to clearly define the project scope, including goals, objectives, deliverables, and timelines.
If a new feature is needed, consider how it affects the team, budget, users, and overall timeline and goals. If it’s truly needed, can something else be deprioritized?
A good way to identify any potential scope creep early on is by conducting regular reviews of the project. Irrelevant of your role, be vocal about the impact of these new requests, and ensure everyone is on the same page.
5. Feedback
Feedback is another vital thing to master for effective designer developer collaboration.
From the very beginning of the project, ensuring developers have access to and can give feedback on each feature the designer creates, really helps with the designer developer collaboration.
Another great way to collect feedback is by inviting developers to research summary sessions and asking them to take notes. The notes, such as critical insights, ideas, questions, etc., should then be categorized. After that, it’s good to overview the research session, make observations, and discuss them.
It’s also vital for the developers to be invited to sit in on user testing and hear user feedback. It helps developers understand the problem they are trying to solve. If they cannot attend, it’s good to provide them with access to all the videos or notes so they can go through them when they have time.
It’s also essential to send developers clips of important feedback so they don’t waste their time on unhelpful feedback.
It’s important that both parties are involved in the design process as much as possible.
This is also an excellent opportunity to give constructive feedback on proposed design decisions and raise any tech concerns.
Be prepared to have disagreements, as design decisions can, more often than not, be complicated. When the feedback is ignored, it can negatively impact how designers and developers feel about their work.
It’s essential to learn how not to take critique personally. That can be a difficult thing to learn in the beginning of your career, but it’s a crucial skill to have. A critique of your design is not a critique of yourself or your skills.
It’s also essential to learn how to provide critique. When critique is poorly offered, it can lead to both designers and developers becoming defensive towards their solution being criticized.
Understanding each other’s points of view is vital in providing a good and quality critique.
It’s necessary not to be so invested in being right that you become unable to listen.
6. Handoff
Ensuring a smooth design handoff is the key to a remarkable designer developer collaboration. Provided information needs to be digestible and it should spark important questions to ensure everyone is on the same page.
For a smooth designers-developer handoff, designers should neatly gather the essential information, documents, and deliverables developers need in an organized package.
Hold a meeting where designers can explain what they’re providing and why, introduce developers to each document, and make sure developers can ask any questions they have.
To make those piles of mockups easier to grasp, designers should arrange different user flows in Figma. Designers should also logically organize all flows, and all screens should be labeled.
It’s also essential to create and provide prototypes, if possible. They let the developers see the exact interactions, from animations to hover states, if any exist.
This will ensure that developers can implement those exact interactions as you envisioned them without having to read much or put the pieces together like they would have to do with only having static designs as a reference.
7. Trust and Respect
Trust and respect are significant skills for effective designer developer collaboration.
Both designers and developers should respect their time and space. What we mean by that is giving each side enough time and space to do their work and not constantly interrupting them with unrealistic deadlines or requests.
It’s good to schedule meetings in advance, as much as possible. Avoid micromanaging and set clear and reasonable expectations.
Show appreciation, support, and professionalism by respecting each other’s time and space.
For good designer developer collaboration, trusting the other to do their job well is essential, just like you would want them to trust you.
However, if anything is unclear, it’s best to ask, and not assume.
After a while, you will learn how to best work with each other and how to communicate so that both sides are happy and can easily do their job.
8. Learning Is The Key
Learning is vital for good designer developer collaboration. Be open to learning new skills, tools, and processes while sharing your knowledge and experience.
Attending workshops, webinars, and even courses others offer or recommend is suitable for building trust, which leads to great collaboration.
By learning from each other, you can enhance your skills and foster a culture of learning.
It’s important to strive for excellence as a product team
Tools To Use
To achieve good and quality designer developer collaboration, it’s crucial to utilize tools like Figma and Zeplin, which are all amazing for a good handoff. It’s good to use tools like Miro and Figma (FigJam) to present the flows and interactions clearly.
Using Zeplin, a tool compatible with Sketch, Figma, XD, and sometimes even Photoshop (but who uses Photoshop for UI design?), is a good way for developers to see all the necessary CSS, colors, and font sizes. That can be very beneficial because you won’t need to write a red-lined handover document. It’s also worth noting that Figmahas pretty much everything you would need automated for an easy handoff.
Here are some of the tools needed for an effective designer developer collaboration:
These tools will enhance teamwork, ensuring an efficient designer developer collaboration.
All we can hope is that you no longer need to ask yourself how designers can collaborate effectively with developers and that you have found your answers right here!
But, to sum up – it’s pretty straightforward – establish a collaborative environment where all team members, regardless of their role as designers or developers, can contribute their creative ideas for the project’s success.
Ultimately, we all share the same objective: delivering the optimal design for our users.
Designer developer collaboration will surely be achieved by fostering open communication, mutual respect, and a shared understanding of project goals.
And remember, by prioritizing designer developer collaboration and recognizing the value of each team member’s contributions, you can be sure to deliver superior products or apps. Despite differing opinions on the approach, we strive for excellence as a product team.
We would love to invite you to join our wholesome and budding community of product designers (and enthusiasts) and follow us on Instagram. We’d be happy to help you fall in love with product design and improve your career!
Happy designing! 🥳