
UI Design

UX Design

Fix Your Portfolio in 5 Easy Steps

Your portfolio is more than just a showcase of your work—it’s your ticket to career-changing opportunities. If you’ve been wondering how to improve it, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through five practical steps to fix your portfolio and make it stand out to recruiters and clients. Let’s get started!

A side-by-side comparison of portfolio presentation on mobile devices. The left design is cluttered, while the right features a clean layout with clear sections for introduction and problem statement.

Let’s Fix Your Portfolio in 5 Steps

Your portfolio is more than just a collection of your work. It’s your ultimate passport for exciting design opportunities. Are you ready to fix your portfolio with five simple steps? Let’s dive in!

A comparison of portfolio designs on mobile. The left has a cluttered interface, while the right displays a structured layout with clear sections for introduction, problem statement, and objectives & goals. Emojis represent user frustration and satisfaction.

Step One

Step one to fix your portfolio is deciding what type of job you’re aiming for. UX vs. UI portfolios are going to be vastly different.

UI portfolio:

  • Emphasis: quantity, polish, and technical deliverables
  • Include: hi-fi designs, visual guidelines, cross-platform design, etc.

UX portfolio:

  • Emphasis: depth, process, research
  • Include: explanations of thinking and process, user journeys, IA, prototypes, etc.
A stylized 3D scale balance with a blue and yellow color scheme, symbolizing evaluation or comparison.

It’s important to decide which type of job you’re aiming for

Step Two

Step two is auditing all the projects you already have. You need three to five projects in your portfolio. The projects that align with step one should be at the top. The projects that do not align with this should be at the bottom of your portfolio.

A portfolio layout mockup featuring sections titled 'Projects related to wanted role' and 'Other projects,' with an alignment gradient scale on the side labeled 'Aligns with role.

Audit all the projects you already have

Step Three

This step is vital when you want to fix your portfolio. The third step is to present case studies in a meaningful way. It’s crucial to use project-relevant case study sections. Here are the case study sections in order:

  1. Introduction
  2. Problem Statement
  3. Objectives & Goals
  4. Business Challenge
  5. Process
  6. Research Insights
  7. Competitive Analysis
  8. User Needs
  9. User Persona
  10. Features & Functionalities
  11. Unique Features
  12. Task Mapping
  13. Eisen Hover Matrix
  14. 5 Why Analysis
  15. Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
  16. Task flows
  17. Sketches & Wireframes
  18. Important UI Screens
  19. Results & Reflection

For example, if you’re adding a “user persona” section just to fill the case study template, you’re doing it wrong.

Step Four

The next step to take while trying to fix your portfolio is to make more projects if you don’t have enough. Recruiters hate aimless redesigns and play projects without constraints. It’s good to volunteer for a nonprofit project if you don’t have enough of them. It’s also crucial to use quality design briefs.

Step Five

Feedback is crucial, so it is important to get it. Seek as much feedback as possible, and then iterate and polish accordingly.

A portfolio project page with feedback bubbles, one in blue saying 'Loved this project! Bring it to the top of your portfolio 😊' and another in orange saying 'Thanks for taking a look! 😌' with a highlighted arrow pointing at the project.

Importance of feedback

Fixing your portfolio doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By identifying your career goals, auditing your work, presenting meaningful case studies, creating purposeful projects, and seeking feedback, you’ll build a portfolio that reflects your skills and potential. Start implementing these steps today to create a portfolio that truly shines.

For other valuable educational resources, explore our Learn section. Here, we offer heaps of courses, workbooks, and other resources that will help you improve your skills in UX/UI.
Happy designing! 🤗

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