Learn UX and Product Design Video Tutorial

How to increase your productivity as a designer? 🤔

Don’t work on multiple things at once – it scatters your focus! 😵‍💫 Instead, give yourself dedicated time for every task. ⏱ Quality takes time. Learn how to prioritize tasks instead of working on a few things at the same time. ✅

Frequent junior designer problems and how to overcome them 2/2

Why your job application might not be going as you expected? 👩🏽‍💻👨‍🎨💼
Design Challenges Workbook

Frequent junior designer problems and how to overcome them 1/2

Why your job application might not be going as you expected? 👩🏽‍💻👨‍🎨💼
Design Challenges Workbook

What design terms mean to non-designers 😂

Let’s redesign a messy table into a great one 💪⚡️